jimhall.sh | grep "interesting things"

Part 3 Mainly a place to write down some things learned






4 May 2020

GitHub Pages 2020: Getting Started (Part I)

by Jim Hall

In what I believe to be a very “meta move”, my first blog post will be about how I created this blog. I found creating this site to be a trivial activity, but as with a lot of things in life, the first 80% was the easy part.

The last 20% then turned into consumption of a lot of “spare time” reading random blog posts and code to get comfortable with publishing something. This post is part of series that documents the journey, in the hopes that it will be easier for others.

Take a look at the ghpages tag page for all the posts in this series.

Overall Task Map (checked items in this post)

Why Pick GitHub Pages and First Steps

Why GitHub Pages?

My reasoning for choosing GitHub Pages is as follows:

Leverage GitHub Labs

As I started looking at using GitHub, I got a wee-bit overwhelmed with all the websites and youtube videos trying to sort things out with git and GitHub pages.

Luckily I will not be writing up yet another git & GitHub Pages 101 blog page. I recommend that you leverage the following three GitHub Labs:

The lab focused on the basics of git in an interactive way: create clone, edit files, commit changes, push to the repo and open a pull request. Options to use either the website or ssh // command line.

Quick Markdown basics course.

This lab covered how to enable GitHub Pages, choose themes, YAML front matter, create and edit blog posts. Then keep this page on Markdown handy

There was a minimal time investment (about 30 minutes a lab) and it was enough to at least get going.

Read/skim the GitHub Pages Documentation

The GitHub Pages documentation is pretty good. I just powered through it all and certainly did not absorb all the information. I also hopped around a bit and punted to the Jekyll docs a bit (see below) but some stuff stuck in this old brain.

Read/skim the Jekyll Documentation

Similar to the GitHub pages documentation, power through the Jekyll Documentation. The docs did touch on some of the key things about Front Matter and Liquid Tags, but I did find that a lot of the problems I had with developing this site required that I hit up Google and StackOverflow for answers.

Get Familiar with the Supported Jekyll Theme Versions and plug-ins

VERY IMPORTANT: Review the GitHub Dependency versions. Two key things to get smart on:

Create the GitHub repo for your site

At the time of this writing, review this intro page on creating your username.github.io page. Really straight forward to at least get started.

Plan out a development model to update your site

The best practice suggested by GitHub Pages for development of your site is to:

I did not do this. I simply created another repo, TestBlog4, git clone that to my desktop and created my content (and eventually the entire site including changes to the theme). I found this easier than mangaging an install on my laptop. It also eliminates the “what changed? – my laptop or GitHub?”.

So that is the baseline. There is a chance that if you follow the step above about creating the base website, and already understand git, you will not have to go to crazy on reviewing the documentation, you could dive into my next post and just get going with blogging with GitHub Pages. Create a _posts directory and start posting content to GitHub Pages.

categories: blog - computing - github
tags: ghpages - jekyll - ghlabs