jimhall.sh | grep "interesting things"

Part 3 Mainly a place to write down some things learned






9 May 2020

GitHub Pages 2020: Odds and Ends for a Decent Blog Platform (Part III)

by Jim Hall

This post is some odds and ends which marks the third and final entry on my journey with GitHub Pages. I am sure it could be argued by someone “Hey do this, do that” to create a more feature complete blog. Basically, I have invested enough time with this and what I have delivered with my blog is just enough for me.

A vanilla deployment of GitHub Pages does not have much functionality beyond a secure website deployment that allows you to deploy posts of deep thoughts without ads. While that was a great lure for me, I had to add a little bit more functionality to meet my needs. This post captures some of the modifications to make that happen to my satisfaction, and also tries to highlight the disparate sources I had to find to make it work (and also try to credit folks I leveraged to make this work).

Take a look at the ghpages tag page for all the posts in this series.

Overall Task Map (checked items in this post)

Favorite Icon (favicon) Configured

Important Sources:

After hacking away with an image manipulation tool (OmniGraffle), I hacked a rather pathetic favicon so that when a person accesses the website they will see my logo in the URL bar.

Essentially submitted the graphic file to the site and it spits out a bunch of resized images for the various platforms and browsers. Additionally it provides some templated meta data that you can see here. I added some liquid (relative_url) so that the generated html would have full URLs (it would not work otherwise).

SIDE NOTE: I learned that in order for favicon to work it has to be at the “base” of the URL (example: https://jimhall.github.io/favicon.ico). The implication being that if you decide to enable GitHub Pages in a subdirectory off your base URL (example: https://jimhall.github.io/testrepo) and you place the favicon in the testrepo directory only it will not work. The favicon will not replicate to the URL bar of your browser.

Add “Essential” Meta Tags

Important Sources:

The CSS_TRICKS webpage walks through the various META tags necessary to work properly with social media sites. My implementation based on this information can be seen in lines 23-28 of head.html.

The meta tag twitter:image can point to an image that will be seen when post the web page to twitter. I have also found it has been used by RSS readers also. My twist is to use some jekyll liquid logic as below:

<meta property="twitter:image" content="{{ page.image | default: "https://jimhall.github.io/assets/images/favicon/apple-touch-icon.png" }}">

Then I added a jekyll Front Matter field called image: to each post I want to have custom image associated with the post. If I do not add the image: field to the post the liquid uses my default logo image

Finally, I used the second source above, the twitter validator to see how the image renders if someone were to tweet my post.

Generate an RSS Feed

Important Sources:

RSS is so important to me. I believe it is the killer app of the internet and I am at a loss as to why it is not leveraged more often. I see a lot of blogs do not even configure an RSS/Atom Feed. I kind of hate social media and think this would be a great alternative to express ideas.

Enough of the editorial: simply add jekyll-feed to _config.yml see source here. This is one of the supported plug-ins GitHub Pages offer.

From the dzhavat post mentioned above I added the following line to head.html:

<link href="{{ '/feed.xml'| relative_url }}" type="application/atom+xml" rel="alternate"     title="{{ site.title }}"/>

The use of the site.title liquid tag gets dynamically generated with each post (which is a slight twist on the dzhavat blog).

I added {% feed_meta %} to my head.html right above the Search Engine Optimization liquid ({% seo %}) and it seems to work well. See “Meta tags” section of the jekyll-feed documentation (second source for details.

Important to note: using the “Essential” Meta Tags (see section above) and using the front matter entry called image: in the blog post an RSS news aggregator will use the image associated with the parameter.

Allow for Excerpts to be Displayed for Posts

Important Sources:

Not much to say here, just follow the docs. Here is a chunk of index.md that shows you can use the liquid {{ post.excerpt }} as the posts get lifted and all the text before <!--more--> gets displayed under the URL:

{% for post in site.posts %}
  <li><span>{{ post.date | date_to_string }}</span> » <a href="{{ post.url | relative_url }}" title="{{ post.title }}">{{ post.title }}</a></li>
  {{ post.excerpt }}
{% endfor %}

Add Content to Generate an Archive Page

Important Source:

There seems to be Jekyll plug-ins that would do this work automatically, but GitHub Pages does not support it at this time. Using the website source at mitsake.net above I created the following jekyll logic that organizes the posts by date:

{%- for post in site.posts -%}
    {% capture month %}{{ post.date | date: '%m%Y' }}{% endcapture %}
    {% capture nmonth %}{{ post.next.date | date: '%m%Y' }}{% endcapture %}
        {% if month != nmonth %}
            {% if forloop.index != 1 %}</ul>{% endif %}
            <h3>{{ post.date | date: '%B %Y' }}</h3><ul>
        {% endif %}
    <li><a href="{{ post.url | relative_url }}">{{ post.title }}</a></li>
    <time>{{ post.date | date: "%e %B %Y" }}</time>
{%- endfor -%}

Liquid Logic Trick to Reduce Generation of Blank Lines in HTML

Important Sources:

Just a quick note here: Jekyll for loops seem to generate blank lines in the compiled html for the actual site. Adding a - after the opening % and before the closing % seemed to help reduce (not eliminate) some of the unnecessary blank lines. Taking the archive sample above:

{%- for post in site.posts -%}


{%- endfor -%}

Google Analytics Account Creation

Important Sources:

Basically followed the steps in the first source to create a Google Analytics account and used the desiredpersona.com link to decide to add the code to the _includes/head.html file

GitHub Actions: Auto-Generate Tag & Category Pages

Important Sources:

One gap in blog functionality with GitHub Pages is creating categories and tags and having some kind of page generated that will aggregate posts that are part of a category or tag. There are Jekyll plug-ins that provide this service, but GitHub pages do not support them. As a work-around, I figured out a way to create pages that would aggregate categories or tags using GitHub Actions.

GitHub Actions are powerful. Obviously I am not an expert, but after reading some of the standard docs mentioned in the sources section above (with a huge shout out to the edwardthomson.com GitHub Actions advent calendar posts) I came up with a way to create category and tag pages after each post is uploaded to the GitHub repository.

Take a look at the actions source file. Here are the highlights of what it tries to do:

Here is what the Python script does:

layout: none

{%- for category in site.categories -%}
  {{ category[0] | remove: '<p>' | remove: '</p>' }}
{% endfor %}

And here it is for tags:

layout: none

{%- for tags in site.tags -%}
  {{ tags[0] | remove: '<p>' | remove: '</p>' }}
{% endfor %}

It then does and ls of the current tag or categories directory and saves a set of all the current sub-dirs on the filesystem.

And that is it! I then have a template for categories/index.md and a template for tags/index.md that allow for the indexing of all the categories and tags dynamically using Jekyll. Each category or tag has a “jump page” that lists all the posts for an individual category or tag by date dynamically using Jekyll also.

A quick word of caution: I over engineered the python script at the end of the day in my opinion. I fetch pages from the site that list the current categories and tags that have been generated. Then I check the tags and categories directory to see what has been generated to date. The problem is that it takes longer for GitHub to generate the new post when added than it takes to run the GitHub Action. As result I had to add an arbitray sleep to the action script. If I were to start again, I would just parse the Front Matter of the blog posts and compare that set of tags to the current directory strucuture and then proceed with next steps.

And that is how I created the blog by using GitHub Pages. A lot of these ideas can be leveraged regardless of the Theme you choose.

categories: blog - computing - github
tags: ghpages - jekyll